Top resource consuming queries for an asset
Top 10 wall_time consuming queries
SQL Query
SELECT name, query, wall_time, user_time, system_time, executions FROM osquery_schedule WHERE upt_asset_id = '<asset_id>' AND upt_day = <upt_day> ORDER BY wall_time DESC LIMIT 10;
Top 10 Overall CPU time consuming queries
SQL Query |
SELECT name, query, wall_time, user_time, system_time, executions FROM osquery_schedule WHERE upt_asset_id = '<asset_id>' AND upt_day = <upt_day> ORDER BY user_time + system_time DESC LIMIT 10;
Top 10 memory consuming queries
SQL Query |
SELECT name, query, wall_time, user_time, system_time,
average_memory, executions FROM osquery_schedule WHERE upt_asset_id = '<asset_id>' AND upt_day = <upt_day> ORDER BY average_memory DESC LIMIT 10;
Top 10 data generating queries
SQL Query |
SELECT name, query, wall_time, user_time, system_time,
average_memory, executions FROM osquery_schedule WHERE upt_asset_id = '<asset_id>' AND upt_day = <upt_day> ORDER BY average_memory DESC LIMIT 10;
Top 10 queries by number of executions
SQL Query |
SELECT name, query, wall_time, user_time, system_time, executions FROM osquery_schedule WHERE upt_asset_id = '<asset_id>' AND upt_day = <upt_day> ORDER BY executions DESC LIMIT 10;
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