SQL Query to get list of S3 buckets exposed to internet
- WITH nested_acl_grants as (
- select
- *,
- contains(
- transform(
- CAST(acl_grants AS ARRAY < JSON >),
- a -> json_extract_scalar(a, '$.Grantee.URI') in (
- 'http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers',
- 'http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AuthenticatedUsers'
- )
- ),
- true
- ) as acl_flag
- from
- aws_s3_bucket_current
- ),
- unnested_acl_grants as(
- select
- *,
- CASE WHEN ignore_public_acls = true
- and restrict_public_buckets = true THEN false WHEN (
- restrict_public_buckets = false
- or restrict_public_buckets is null
- )
- and is_bucket_policy_status_public = true THEN true WHEN (
- ignore_public_acls is null
- or ignore_public_acls = false
- )
- and acl_flag = true
- and acl_flag is not null THEN true else false end as public_access
- from
- nested_acl_grants
- ),
- s3 AS (
- select
- a.region_code AS regionCode,
- a.bucket_name AS bucketName,
- a.customer_id AS customerId,
- a.acl_grants AS aclGrants,
- a.acl_owner_display_name AS aclOwnerDisplayName,
- a.acl_owner_id AS aclOwnerId,
- a.block_public_acls AS blockPublicAcls,
- a.block_public_policy AS blockPublicPolicy,
- a.bucket_accelerate_status AS bucketAccelerateStatus,
- a.bucket_cors_enabled AS bucketCorsEnabled,
- a.bucket_creation_date AS bucketCreationDate,
- a.bucket_logging_enabled AS bucketLoggingEnabled,
- a.bucket_logging_target_bucket AS bucketLoggingTargetBucket,
- a.bucket_logging_target_grants AS bucketLoggingTargetGrants,
- a.bucket_logging_target_prefix AS bucketLoggingTargetPrefix,
- a.bucket_policy_serverside_encryption_enabled AS bucketPolicyServersideEncryptionEnabled,
- a.bucket_public_access_block_enabled AS bucketPublicAccessBlockEnabled,
- a.bucket_region AS bucketRegion,
- a.bucket_request_payer AS bucketRequestPayer,
- a.bucket_ssl_access_only AS bucketSslAccessOnly,
- a.bucket_versioning_status_enabled AS bucketVersioningStatusEnabled,
- a.cors_rules AS corsRules,
- a.ignore_public_acls AS ignorePublicAcls,
- a.is_bucket_policy_status_public AS isBucketPolicyStatusPublic,
- a.mfa_delete_status_enabled AS mfaDeleteStatusEnabled,
- a.metrics_configuration_list AS metricsConfigurationList,
- a.notification_config_event_bridge_config AS notificationConfigEventBridgeConfig,
- a.notification_config_lambda_function_configs AS notificationConfigLambdaFunctionConfigs,
- a.notification_config_queue_configs AS notificationConfigQueueConfigs,
- a.notification_config_topic_configs AS notificationConfigTopicConfigs,
- a.object_lock_configuration_rule AS objectLockConfigurationRule,
- a.object_lock_enabled AS objectLockEnabled,
- a.object_ownership_control_rules AS objectOwnershipControlRules,
- a.public_access_block_enabled AS publicAccessBlockEnabled,
- a.restrict_public_buckets AS restrictPublicBuckets,
- a.server_side_encryption_rules AS serverSideEncryptionRules,
- a.serverside_encryption_enabled AS serversideEncryptionEnabled,
- a.tags AS tags,
- a.website_enabled AS websiteEnabled,
- a.account_id AS accountId,
- a.region AS region,
- b.public_access AS isBucketPublic
- aws_s3_bucket_current a
- INNER JOIN unnested_acl_grants b ON a.bucket_name = b.bucket_name
- )
- *
- s3
- isBucketPublic=true
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