Query to get Installed date of apps on apps table

Query to get Installed date of apps on apps table

Following query can be used to get the installed date of apps 
 The installed date of apps on 'apps' table will be available from 5.10.x  Uptycs Osquery release.
  1. select path, datetime(date_added_time,'unixepoch') as app_installed_time from apps
Here 'date_added_time' is the app installed time, which we are going to provide.
 For assets running on lower osquery versions, you can take help of the below query to fetch the installed date from 'apps' table:
  1.  select filename, path, datetime(btime,'unixepoch')  from file as app_installed_time where path in ( select path from apps )
Here 'btime' is the birth time of the file/app, which we already provide.