List the vulnerabilities in the fleet which is having remediation

List the vulnerabilities in the fleet which is having remediation

please find the below query you can modify the query based on the need and conditons required

  with vulners as
(SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY upt_asset_id, cve_list, package_name, package_version, os, os_version ORDER BY IF(upt_type = 'host', 0, 1), TRY_CAST(cvss_score AS real)     DESC, indicator_hash) AS rn FROM upt_vulnerabilities_state WHERE upt_type IN ('host', 'volume') AND cve_list NOT IN (SELECT cve_id FROM upt_vulnerability_exceptions) AND description != ''),

vulnerabilities AS
 ( SELECT * FROM vulners WHERE rn = 1 ),
 filtered AS
 ( SELECT cve_list, os, IF(os_version IS NULL OR os_version = '', 'any', os_version) AS os_version, package_name, package_version, package_type, description, upt_asset_id,upt_hostname, upt_first_seen, upt_last_seen, TRY_CAST(split(published, 'T')[1] AS DATE) AS published, TRY_CAST(cvss_score AS real) AS cvss_score, TRY_CAST(uptycs_score AS real) AS uptycs_score, IF(indicator_operator IN ('lt', 'rng_e') AND indicator_version IS NOT NULL AND indicator_version != '', 'lt', NULL) AS indicator_operator, 
         WHEN indicator_operator = 'lt' AND indicator_version IS NOT NULL AND indicator_version != '' THEN indicator_version
         WHEN indicator_operator = 'rng_e' AND indicator_version IS NOT NULL AND indicator_version != '' THEN SPLIT_PART(indicator_version, ',', 2) 
         ELSE '' END AS indicator_version FROM vulnerabilities ),
 summary AS
  ( SELECT cve_list, os, os_version, package_name, package_version, MAX(indicator_operator) AS indicator_operator, 
         ARRAY_SORT(ARRAY_AGG(indicator_version),(x, y) -> 
                 WHEN x IS NULL THEN 1
                 WHEN y IS NULL THEN -1 
                 WHEN x = y THEN 0 
                 WHEN vercmp(y, x) = 1 THEN 1 
                 ELSE -1 END)[1] AS indicator_version, MAX(package_type) AS package_type, MAX(description) AS description, COUNT(DISTINCT upt_asset_id) AS assets, upt_hostname,      DATE(from_unixtime(MIN(upt_first_seen))) AS first_seen, DATE(from_unixtime(MAX(upt_last_seen))) AS last_seen, MIN(published) AS published_at, MAX(cvss_score) AS max_cvss_score, MAX(uptycs_score) AS max_uptycs_score FROM filtered GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,upt_hostname ),
temp AS 
    ( SELECT *, IF(indicator_operator IN ('lt', 'rng_e'), true, false) AS fix_available, 
WHEN max_cvss_score < 4 THEN 'low'
WHEN max_cvss_score >= 4 AND max_cvss_score < 7 THEN 'medium' 
WHEN max_cvss_score >= 7 AND max_cvss_score < 9 THEN 'high' 
WHEN max_cvss_score >= 9 THEN 'critical'
ELSE 'unknown' END severity FROM summary ),
   vln AS
    ( SELECT max_cvss_score AS cvssScore, cve_list AS cveId, IF(e.description IS NOT NULL, TRUE, FALSE) AS exploitAvailable, os, os_version AS osVersion, package_name AS packageName, package_version AS packageVersion, IF((indicator_operator = 'lt' OR indicator_operator='rng_e') AND indicator_version IS NOT NULL, true, false) AS fixAvailable, v.description AS description, indicator_operator, indicator_version, upt_hostname,
  WHEN indicator_operator = 'lt' AND indicator_version IS NOT NULL THEN indicator_version 
  WHEN indicator_operator = 'rng_e' AND indicator_version IS NOT NULL THEN split_part(indicator_version, ',', 2) 
  ELSE ''
          END AS fixVersion, IF(e.sources like '%Zero%', TRUE, FALSE) as zeroday_exploitable, published_at AS publishedAt, max_uptycs_score AS uptycsScore, last_seen AS lastSeen, first_seen AS firstSeen, assets AS affectedAssets, severity, cast(cast(ep.epss_score as decimal(10,4)) AS varchar) AS epss_score, cast(cast(ep.epss_percentile as decimal(10,4)) AS varchar) As epss_percentile FROM temp v LEFT JOIN upt_threat_exploits e ON v.cve_list = e.cve_id AND e.sources != 'NVD' LEFT JOIN upt_epss_score ep ON v.cve_list = ep.cve_id)

 select * from vln where fixAvailable=true