Installing Uptycs Protect using Jamf Pro

Installing Uptycs Protect using Jamf Pro

This document outlines the procedure on how to install the Uptycs Protect agent on macOS using Jamf.
If you are already familiar with Jamf, please use the attached UptycsProtect.plist and UptycsProtect.mobileconfig files to setup Uptycs Protect using Jamf

The steps are similar to what we have for osquery installation using Jamf in the below link

The only differences are:
- In step 1 we have to download the Protect package/installer from the tenant (with Uptycs Protect toggle button enabled)
- In step 2 use the different .plist provided here in the attachment and upload the Uptycs Protect installer to Jamf server
- In step 3 use the uploaded Protect package to create a policy
- In step 4 use the different .mobileconfig provided here in the attachment to create configuration profile
- In step 5 we have to scope the Uptycs Protect's mobile configuration and policy to successfully install Uptycs Protect on the target device(s).

Please verify the settings when importing the plist and mobileconfig before the installation. Feel free to reach out to Uptycs Support if you have any questions about the settings.

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