How to get the custom name as standard name in the overview page of Host compliance ?
This article provides you the steps that can be followed to get the custom name as standard name on the overview page of the host compliance as shown below.
1. To land on compliance overview page , go to Uptycs EDR --> Audit --> Compliance .
2. Then go to Configuration --> Select Uptycs configurations .

3. Here you can select one of the Uptycs custom configuration based on the required operating system and clone the configuration (this will change the Framework to Custom).
4. Now you can change the name and standard (which can be used while investigating in real-time) and save the configuration.
5. Go to custom configurations in the bottom of the page , Click on edit and upload a CSV file containing the compliance checks that you want to configure .In the CSV file the given standard name will be displayed in the overview page which can be edited in the CSV file as required.
6 . Make sure to attach the compliance configuration to the asset in settings page .
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