How to configure Query job API in service now

How to configure Query job API in service now

Steps :
  1. Submit query job with POST /queryJobs , get the job id in response
  2. Poll query job with GET /queryJobs/{job_id} , if status received is “FINISHED“, go to next step.
  3. Get query job results with GET /queryjobs/${job_id}/results.

Add A REST Message for query job and add the 3 required apis to it :


POST query job and get query job id :

  1.         var postData = '{"query":' + query + ', "type":"global"}';
  2.         var message = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2('Uptycs Query Job', 'POST Query Job');
  3.         message.setStringParameterNoEscape('url', this.url);
  4.         message.setStringParameterNoEscape('customer_id', this.customerId);
  5.         now = new Date();
  6.         message.setRequestHeader('date', now.toUTCString());
  7. message.setRequestHeader('Authorization', authToken;
  8.         message.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'application/json');
  9.         message.setRequestBody(postData);
  10.         var resp = msg.execute();
  11.         var respObj = JSON.parse(resp.getBody());
  12.         var queryJobId =;


Poll Query job :

  1. createJobInfoMessage: function(queryJobId) {
  2.         var message = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2('Uptycs Query Job', 'GET Query Job Info');
  3.         message.setStringParameterNoEscape('url', this.url);
  4.         message.setStringParameterNoEscape('customer_id', this.customerId);
  5.         message.setStringParameterNoEscape('job_id', queryJobId);
  6.         message.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'application/json');
  7.         now = new Date();
  8.         message.setRequestHeader('date', now.toUTCString());
  9. message.setRequestHeader('Authorization', authtoken;
  10.         return message;
  11.     },

  12.     pollQueryJob: function(queryJobId) {
  13.         var message = this.createJobInfoMessage(queryJobId);
  14.         var status = 'QUEUED';
  15.         do {
  16.             response = message.execute();
  17. var httpResponseStatus = response.getStatusCode();
  18.             responseObj = JSON.parse(response.getBody());
  19.'query job status code ' + queryJobId + ' ' + httpResponseStatus);
  20.             status = responseObj.status;
  21. // Check if status is undefined and exit the loop
  22. if (!status || httpResponseStatus != 200) {
  23. gs.error('status is undefined. Exiting the loop.');
  24. break;
  25. }
  26. if (status != 'FINISHED' && status != 'ERROR' && status != 'QUEUED' && status != 'RUNNING') {
  27.                 gs.error('status is not FINISHED, ERROR, RUNNING, or QUEUED.  status is: ' + status);
  28. break;
  29.             }
  30.             comp.wait(5000);
  31.         }
  32.         while (status != 'FINISHED' && status != 'ERROR');

  33.         if (status != 'FINISHED') {
  34.             this.missedSections.push(section);
  35.             gs.error('error: ' + responseObj.error.message.detail);
  36.         }
  37.         var nRows = responseObj.rowCount;
  38.         gs.warn(' nRows recieved: ' + nRows);
  39. return nRows;
  40. },


Get query job result :

each call to get results returns 10000 rows, use offset to pull all rows

  1.         var message = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2('Uptycs Query Job', 'GET Query Jobs Results'); 
  2.         message.setStringParameterNoEscape('url', this.url);
  3.         message.setStringParameterNoEscape('customer_id', this.customerId);
  4.         message.setStringParameterNoEscape('job_id', queryJobId);
  5.         message.setStringParameterNoEscape('offset', offset);
  6.         now = new Date();
  7.         message.setRequestHeader('date', now.toUTCString());
  8.         message.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'application/json');
  9. message.setRequestHeader('Authorization',authToken);
  10.         response = msg.execute();
  11.         responseBody = response.getBody();
  12.         responseObj = JSON.parse(responseBody);
  13.         for (i = 0; i < responseObj.items.length; i++) { 
  14.             // loop over query result rows
  15.         }

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