Go To the "Account Settings". Click the "CREATE" button to generate API keys, which will be downloaded in JSON format. The downloaded JSON will contain information such as customerId, API key, API Secret, Domain, DomainSuffix, and other relevant ...
To get SBOM(Software Bill of Material) information for your resource through Uptycs API, follow below step → Obtain Access Keys: • Login to the Uptycs console • Go to Account Settings • Create an API Key • Download the API Key in JSON format. For ...
Overview Starting with Uptycs portal release 46025, Uptycs provides entity level granular user permissions through roles. This document outlines the process to create roles using API - with examples. Procedure -- Create a new role $ urestapi -k ...
The article includes the API query to create and update the threat source. We support uploading CSV as of now. To create Threat source: curl --location --request POST ...
The article contains useful queries about how to use the upt_api_audit_logs to capture audit log events. The api_name column in the table suggests how the api call was made. the following are the different values that can be present: Api call Query ...