Generate JWT Token using PowerShell CMDLETS

Generate JWT Token using PowerShell CMDLETS

With just PowerShell Cmdlets, you can generate a Bearer Auth Token using the following steps.

# please install JWT module in PowerShell
Install-Module JWT

# cmdlet to generate JWT Token
New-Jwt -Header '{"alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT"}' -PayloadJson '{"iss": "<API_KEY_VALUE>", "exp": <EXPIRY_DATETIME_IN_UNIX_EPOCH>}' -Secret "<API_SECRET_VALUE>"Variables in CMDLET:<API_KEY_VALUE> : API Key Value<API_SECRET_VALUE> : API Secret Value<EXPIRY_DATETIME_IN_UNIX_EPOCH> : Time at which Token Expires in Unix Epochs in GMT (Eg: 1713519027.7295783)

Variables in CMDLET: 

<EXPIRY_DATETIME_IN_UNIX_EPOCH> : Time at which Token Expires in Unix Epochs in GMT (Eg: 1713519027.7295783)

You can the generated token for Uptycs API calls

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