Create AWS Integration account from CLI

Create AWS Integration account from CLI

Usage:   python3 <uptycs_apikey_file> <account_name> <service_list_file.json> [--domainsuffix <domain>]

Example: python3 john_apikey.json perf_test cloud_services_7_6hr.json

This script is a command line alternative to creating cloud account integrations from the GUI.

This script does the following: 

1. Run the cloud formation template in AWS

2. Read the created 'role_arn' value 

3. Call Uptycs API /cloudAccounts POST

The --domainsuffix flag is only needed for domains others than ''

The AWS Python SDK boto3 is used along with AWS cli for connection and authentication to AWS

Details of using multiple profiles for different AWS accounts can be found here:

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