Alert to list commands associated with an ssh session to a remote host

Alert to list commands associated with an ssh session to a remote host

In this article we show how to configure an alert that fires whenever someone starts an ssh session to a remote machine from a Bastion Host using ssh. We then show how to build a context query, to list all the commands run on the remote machine, by that user, during the ssh session. 

1. Add a Javascript event rule to capture the ssh session:

 const events = [];
 const desc = 'User sudo ssh from bastion host';
 records.forEach(record => {
if (cmd.startsWith('sudo ssh')) {
// split the cmdline into parts and parse the target hostname as the 3 part
parts = record.columns['cmdline'].split(" ");
targetHostname = parts[2];
const event = {
severity: 'low',
description: desc,
time: record.unixTime,
key: 'user and time',
value: record.columns['uname'] + " " + record.unixTime,
cmdline: record.columns['cmdline'],
pid: record.columns['pid'],
uname: record.columns['uname'],
target_hostname: targetHostname
return events;

Note the "value" field in the above rule = "uname + time" so that each alert value is unique and thus sent to our SIEM. 

2. Add a corresponding alert rule (make sure Event code trigger matches the code used in the creation of the event rule). The boilerplate Javascript for this alert rule is: 

 const alerts = [];
events.forEach(event => {
const alert = {
description: event.description,
severity: event.severity,
assetId: event.assetId,
eventId: event.eventId,
key: event.key,
value: event.value,
alertTime: event.eventTime,
indicatorId: event.indicatorId

if (event.metadata) {
Object.keys(event.metadata).forEach(key => {
if (!alert[key]) {
alert[key] = event.metadata[key];

return { context, alerts };

3. Add the following context query to the alert rule: 


target_hostname TEXT
alertTime DATETIME
assetId TEXT

 with ssh_session as (
select min(end_time) end_time from (
select upt_time end_time
from processes where pid = :pid
and upt_asset_id = :assetId
and upt_added = False
and upt_day = CAST(date_format(:alertTime,'%Y%m%d') AS INTEGER)
--the ssh session may still be open, so we add the current datetime as an alternate cutoff
select current_timestamp end_time
from os_version where upt_asset_id = :assetId )
select distinct upt_hostname, uname, cmdline
from process_events pe, ssh_session ssh
where pe.upt_day = CAST(date_format(:alertTime,'%Y%m%d') AS INTEGER)
and upt_hostname = :target_hostname
and uname = 'root'
and upt_time between :alertTime and ssh.end_time + interval '2' minute
and cmdline not in ('/usr/bin/tput colors','/usr/bin/hostname','/usr/bin/dircolors --sh /etc/DIR_COLORS', '/usr/bin/tty -s', '/usr/bin/id -un', '/usr/bin/id -u', '/bin/sh /usr/libexec/ -c','/usr/bin/grep -qi ^COLOR.*none /etc/DIR_COLORS', 'grep -qsi ^COLOR.*none /etc/GREP_COLORS', '/usr/sbin/unix_chkpwd root nonull', '/usr/sbin/sshd -D -R')

Now we will test by logging into our Bastion Host (draco) and starting an ssh session to a remote machine (uptycs-centos1). Note osquery needs to be installed on both machines for this use case to succeed. 

Once logged into the remote machine, we run a few commands...

Check Uptycs for the alert: 

Click on the "Alert Detail" column for that alert row...

...then click on the "COMMANDS FOR SSH SESSION" context query... get the list of commands run on the remote host (during the ssh session):

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