Release notes-Release 96058
- Capabilities to detect Log4j vulnerabilities include:
- Query pack and queries to collect version information of all Log4j jars and exploits in log files.
- Reports to identify all vulnerable Log4j jars, a full inventory of Log4j jars, and exploit attempts.
- New filter on the K8s Visibility page to select a specific cluster. For more information, see K8s Visibility.
- Option to allow users to enable or disable the Uptycs managed tags. For more information, see Configuration.
Resolved Issues
- The issue of assigning or removing tags in bulk using a CSV file beyond 99 assets is now resolved.
- Enroll request verification mechanism is modified to reject requests from the VMs that are not fully provisioned.
- The Updated by column on the Tags Management page displays System User when any configuration is performed during auto-updates.