Release notes-Release 103055

Release notes-Release 103055

April 10, 2022

New Feature Exploit Tracker

  • New dashboards to monitor Spring Shell and Spring Cloud vulnerabilities. For more information, see Exploit Tracker.


  • Bulk enable, disable, or delete Global Rule Exceptions. For more information, see Global Rule Exceptions.

  • Usability enhancements:

    • Detections details and their timeline views are now categorized in the CONTEXT and ACTIVITIES tabs respectively.

    • View the timeline of detections from the Detections page.

    • The Alert Management page now includes a new column Noise to monitor the alerts triggered by auto-exception.

      For more information, see Alerts and Detections.

New Feature Deployment

  • Embedded Gatekeeper (OPA) support for enforcement modes for new deployments and audits for existing containers.

  • Deployment dashboard to monitor the audit and enforcement failures.

    For more information, see Deployment.

New Feature Vulnerabilities Dashboard

  • Vulnerabilities dashboard to monitor vulnerabilities found in the Kubernetes environment. For more information, see Container > Vulnerabilities.

New Feature Image and Container Details Dashboard

  • Image and Container Details dashboard to monitor image vulnerabilities, vulnerable package details, and image deployment insights. For more information, see Image Details and Container Details.


  • The K8s Visibility dashboard now provides a graphical presentation of components in your Kubernetes environment. You can view the infrastructure details and run-time security of each component. For more information, see K8s Visibility.

  • Simplified approach for Kubequery installation using automated scripts. For more information, see Kubequery Installation.

  • Support for PCI and SOC2 compliance for nodes.

  • The Vulnerabilities over time widget on the Kubernetes Vulnerabilities dashboard may show incorrect data for critical and high severities.
  • The Vulnerabilities section on the Container details page displays build time data when a new vulnerable container is deployed.
  • The Ignored Items section on the Image Details > Overview tab may show incorrect counts for CVEs Not Ignored and Vulnerable Packages Not Ignored.