August 24, 2020
AWS dashboards
AWS overview and other windows added to new Cloud security menu in the left navigation pane. Contact Uptycs support to activate this feature. For more information, see Cloud security.
Note : This feature is in beta stage.
YARA group rules
A new option YARA group rules is available in the Configuration section that allows you to create and write your own YARA rules directly into the Uptycs UI, or import an existing file. For more information, see YARA group rules.
Custom dashboards
Uptycs now supports creation of Custom dashboards to visualize output from defined queries. For more information, see Custom Dashboards.
Score column
Added a new column Score to the upt_events_data table for additional look up capability. For more information, see Uptycs schema.
Event exclude profile
Improved regex patterns of few IP addresses and paths that have not been functioning properly.
Removal of AWS CIS card
The AWS CIS card from the AWS integration screen is now removed for seamless AWS integration process.
The following customer related issues were also addressed in this release
ENG-6808 : Fixed an issue with local authentication user password management. Now users can delete an old password and change it.
Performance improvement is expected for the Cloud security page in upcoming releases.